Research July 2024

Americans’ Views of Social Security

Social Security has evolved to become backbone of the U.S. retirement savings system, particularly for middle-class Americans, and often is referred to as one of the nation’s most popular government programs. Nearly all workers participate in Social Security, which means nearly all retirees receive at least some income from Social Security each month. Despite the […]

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Press Release July 22, 2024

87 Percent of Americans Want Action Now to Address Social Security Funding Shortfall

A new research brief from the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) finds Americans want action now on a long-term funding solution for Social Security.

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In the News

Pensions Are A Vital Workforce Tool For Retaining Public Safety Professionals

In a Forbes column, NIRS Executive Director Dan Doonan writes about role of pensions in recruiting and retaining public safety professionals. He writes that some jobs become increasingly taxing as one ages. Airline pilots and air traffic controllers, for example, are subject to mandatory retirement ages. While not subject to mandatory retirement ages, many police […]

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Retirement Dialogues Webinars

The National Institute on Retirement Security regularly hosts webinars on a wide variety of topics related to retirement security that feature leading experts. Recent topics include investing, Social Security and cybersecurity issues. Learn about upcoming webinars and watch previous webinars.

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