Social Security at 90: A Bipartisan Roadmap for the Program’s Future
The National Academy of Social Insurance, AARP, the National Institute on Retirement Security, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have released a new report detailing American’s views of retirement, Social Security at 90: A Bipartisan Roadmap for the Program’s Future.
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Social Security’s First 90 Years: A History of Bipartisan and Intergenerational Support
As Social Security approaches its 90th anniversary, a new report from the National Institute on Retirement Security finds that public support remains strong for Social Security, and Americans become more confident in Social Security as they age.
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Pensionomics 2025: Measuring the Economic Impact of Defined Benefit Pension Expenditures
Pensionomics 2025: Measuring the Economic Impact of Defined Benefit Pension Expenditures finds pending powered by U.S. private and public sector defined benefit pensions contributed significantly to the economy. In 2022, retiree spending of public and private sector pension benefits generated $1.5 trillion in total economic output, supporting 7.1 million jobs across the nation.
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What Do Americans Think About Pensions For Public Employees?
A research infographic from the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) finds strong support among Americans for retirement benefits provided to state and local government employees. “What Do Americans Think About Pensions For Public Employees? finds 86 percent of Americans say all workers, not just those employed by state and local governments, should have a […]
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Views of Retirement in America by Political Party Affiliation
Despite deep polarization across the U.S., a research brief from the National Institute on Retirement Security finds common ground when it comes to Americans’ support for Social Security and defined benefit pension plans. At the same time, Views of Retirement in America by Political Party Affiliation finds Americans across party lines are worried about retirement. […]
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Americans’ Views of Social Security
Social Security has evolved to become backbone of the U.S. retirement savings system, particularly for middle-class Americans, and often is referred to as one of the nation’s most popular government programs. Nearly all workers participate in Social Security, which means nearly all retirees receive at least some income from Social Security each month. Despite the […]
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