Reports June 2011

Lessons from Well-Funded Public Pensions: An Analysis of Six Plans that Weathered the Financial Storm

This report examines selected statewide public pension plans to identify common elements that led these plans to remain well-funded despite two severe economic downturns.

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Reports March 2011

Pensions and Retirement Security 2011: A Roadmap for Policy Makers

This nationwide public opinion poll measures how Americans feel about their financial security in retirement and assesses their views on policies that could improve their retirement outlook.

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Issue Briefs March 2011

Who Killed the Private Sector DB Plan?

This report examines why DB pension plan coverage has declined for private sector workers. It finds that funding volatility is the primary culprit, not pension costs.

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Reports April 2010

Out of Balance? Comparing Public and Private Sector Compensation over 20 Years

This report examines the compensation gap between employees of state & local governments and comparable private sector employees. Analysis spanning two decades shows the pay gap has widened in recent years.

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Reports February 2010

Raising the Bar: Policy Solutions for Improving Retirement Security

This report provided a summary of NIRS’ inaugural policy conference, which brought leaders of retirement policy in order to encourage productive dialogue and reach a definitive conclusion.

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Reports July 2009

The Pension Factor: Assessing the Role of Defined Benefit Plans in Reducing Elder Hardships

This report calculates the impact of pensions for reducing the risk of elder American poverty and hardship, particularly for households headed by women and racial/ethnic minority groups.

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