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Category: Press Release

  • Press ReleaseMay 7, 2009

    Women Need 3-Legged Stool to Shatter Retirement Glass Ceiling

    May 7, 2009, Washington, D.C. – Women remain at a higher risk for retirement insecurity as compared to men, according to a new research brief issued today by the National Institute on Retirement Security. That risk can be reduced by ensuring women have the combination of a traditional pension, supplemental 401(k)-type individual savings, and Social […]

  • Press ReleaseFebruary 26, 2009

    State-By-State Press Releases on Economic Impact of State & Local Pensions

    February 26, 2009, Washington, D.C. –  From coast to coast, state and local pensions have a sizable economic and job impact that ripples through every every state and industry.  NIRS has issued press releases for all 50 states outlining the economic impact for each state. The national report, “Pensionomics: Measuring the Economic Impact of State […]

  • Press ReleaseFebruary 26, 2009

    New Study Finds 2.5 Million U.S. Jobs, $358 Billion Economic Impact From State & Local Pensions

    February 26, 2009, Washington, D.C. – An economic impact analysis finds state & local government pension benefits have a sizable impact that ripples through every state and industry across the nation. The new report, “Pensionomics: Measuring the Economic Impact of State and Local Pension Plans,” finds that expenditures made from state & local pension benefits for fiscal […]

  • Press ReleaseJanuary 14, 2009

    New Survey Finds 83% of Americans Concerned About Retirement

    January 14, 2009, Washington, D.C. – A national public opinion survey reveals widespread retirement insecurity among Americans.  Current economic conditions have more than eight out of ten Americans worried about their ability to retire. Some 71% indicate they feel it is harder today to retire as compared to previous generations. The findings also indicate that […]

  • Press ReleaseNovember 24, 2008

    New Research Finds Public Pensions Invest Prudently in Bull and Bear Markets

    November 24, 2008, Washington, D.C. – A new analysis of public pension investment data indicates that public plans exhibit prudent investment behavior – even during volatile market conditions. The results are contained in a new report, “In it for the Long Haul:  The Investment Behavior of Public Pensions,” released today by the National Institute on […]

  • Press ReleaseAugust 14, 2008

    Pensions Can Provide Retirement Income at Half the Cost of Individual Accounts

    August 14, 2008, Washington, D.C. – A new report finds a defined benefit (DB) pension can deliver the same retirement income at 46% lower cost than an individual defined contribution (DC) account. The analysis calculates that DB pension plans: Avoid the problem of “over-saving” by pooling the longevity risks of large numbers of individuals – resulting in a 15% cost […]