
  • Press ReleaseDecember 3, 2018

    Inequalities in Workplace Retirement Plan Access & Eligibility Drive Latinos’ Savings Gap

    NEW RESEARCH FINDS INEQUALITIES IN RETIREMENT PLAN ACCESS AND ELIGIBILITY FOR LATINOS  Persistent Inequalities Driving Retirement Savings Gap   Latino Retirement Plan Participation Rate 22 Percentage Points Lower Than Whites; Only 21.6% of Latinos Have $1 or More Saved for Retirement Webinar on December 11th at 11 AM ET to Review Findings WASHINGTON, D.C., December […]

  • Press ReleaseSeptember 17, 2018

    New Report Finds Nation’s Retirement Crisis Persists Despite Economic Recovery

    Median Retirement Account Balance is $0 Among All Working Age Individuals; 100 Million Americans Lack Any Retirement Account Assets  Retirement Savings Closely Correlated with Income and Wealth; Individuals with Retirement Accounts Have More Than Three Times Income of Those Without Accounts  Webinar on Thursday, September 20, 2018, at 11 AM ET to Review Findings WASHINGTON, […]

  • Press ReleaseFebruary 27, 2018

    New Research Finds 95 Percent of Millennials Not Saving Adequately For Retirement

    Two-Thirds Have Nothing Saved; Retirement Problem Most Acute for Latino Millennials  Report Offers Seven Policy Recommendations to Help Millennials Improve Retirement Outlook Webinar on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 1 PM ET to Review Findings WASHINGTON, D.C., February 27, 2018 – A new report finds a deeply troubling retirement outlook for the Millennial generation. Most […]

  • Press ReleaseFebruary 8, 2018

    New Case Study Examines How Dismantling Pensions Triggered Mass Exodus of Public Safety Workers

    Palm Beach Town Council Reinstated Pension Plan After Unsuccessful and Costly Shift to 401(k) Accounts   Webinar on Thursday, February 15th at 1 PM ET to Review Findings  WASHINGTON, D.C., February 8, 2018 – A new case study examines the impacts of the 2012 actions of the Town of Palm Beach to close its existing […]

  • Press ReleaseOctober 26, 2017

    Pensions Are Critical Tool For Recruiting, Retaining Teachers, Offer Best Path To Retirement

    Findings Debunk Inaccurate & Misleading Assertions about Teacher Pensions Webinar on Thursday, October 26th at 11:00 AM ET WASHINGTON, D.C., October 26, 2017 –  A new report finds that defined benefit (DB) teacher pension plans work for both schools and teachers, and that there are important policy reasons to continue offering these retirement plans. The research […]

  • Press ReleaseSeptember 26, 2017

    Changes to Saver’s Credit Would Substantially Improve Retirement Savings for Low and Moderate

    CHANGES TO SAVER’S CREDIT WOULD SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVE RETIREMENT SAVINGS FOR LOW AND MODERATE INCOME WORKERS Lack of Retirement Plans is Key Factor Obstructing Millions of Americans from Reaping the Benefit of Tax Credit Webinar on Thursday, October 12th at 11:00 AM ET WASHINGTON, D.C., September 26, 2017 –  A new report says that the underutilized Saver’s […]

  • Press ReleaseSeptember 25, 2017

    Pensions Improve Education Quality, Reduce Teacher Turnover

    PENSIONS IMPROVE QUALITY OF U.S. PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM AND REDUCE TEACHER TURNOVER Magnetic Effect of Pensions Helped Retain 32,000 Teachers, Saved Up to $284 Million Nationally in Turnover Costs WASHINGTON, D.C., September 25, 2017 –  A new research brief analyzing the effectiveness of defined benefit (DB) pensions on teacher retention and productivity finds that pensions play […]

  • Press ReleaseAugust 24, 2017

    New Poll Finds Strong Support Among Kentuckians for Pensions

    NEW POLL FINDS HIGH SUPPORT AMONG KENTUCKIANS FOR PENSIONS 86 Percent Say All Workers Should Have Access to a Pension; 92 Percent Say Pensions Good Tool to Recruit Teachers WASHINGTON, D.C., August 24, 2017 – Eighty-six percent of Kentuckians say that all workers, not just those in the public sector, should have a pension plan according […]

  • Press ReleaseAugust 23, 2017

    Public Employees Choose Pensions

      NEW STUDY FINDS PUBLIC EMPLOYEES OVERWHELMINGLY CHOOSE PENSIONS AS RETIREMENT PLAN OVER INDIVIDUAL 401(K)-TYPE ACCOUNTS Webinar on August 23rd at 11 AM ET. Register Here. WASHINGTON, D.C., August 23, 2017 – A new study finds that public sector employees with retirement plan choice overwhelmingly choose defined benefit (DB) pension plans over 401(k)-type defined contribution (DC) individual accounts. […]